Publicações | Publications
Martins, P. R., A. L. Semedo e C. F. Camacho (Eds.). 2018. Representing Disability in Museums. Imaginary and Identities. Porto: CITCEM.
SYNOPSIS - This e-book brings together a number of presentations submitted at the international meeting Representing Disability in Museums, Imaginary and Identities, promoted by the Transdisciplinary Research Centre Culture, Space and Memory (CITCEM) of the University of Porto and by the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC), with the support of Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis, on 29 May 2017.
The aim of the publication of this open access e-book is to increase scientific knowledge in museology and disability studies, more specifically in relation to issues concerned with identity, discourses and representations, as well as their impact on the contemporary problems of social exclusion. This book is, therefore, a useful tool for museum and disability practitioners, students and researchers, and people interested in this topic. Moreover, it takes an international approach, bringing together a number of research works and practices conducted in some parts of the world. Its purpose is to also disseminate information on the Portuguese context, informing both about the cultural history of disability and the researchers who have studied this subject and the international views that have emerged on the subject in Portugal.
The aim of the publication of this open access e-book is to increase scientific knowledge in museology and disability studies, more specifically in relation to issues concerned with identity, discourses and representations, as well as their impact on the contemporary problems of social exclusion. This book is, therefore, a useful tool for museum and disability practitioners, students and researchers, and people interested in this topic. Moreover, it takes an international approach, bringing together a number of research works and practices conducted in some parts of the world. Its purpose is to also disseminate information on the Portuguese context, informing both about the cultural history of disability and the researchers who have studied this subject and the international views that have emerged on the subject in Portugal.
Martins, P. R. 2020. Blinde und sehbeeinträchtigte Menschen im Museum: Zugänglichkeit, Vermittlung und Identitätsbildung. In: Cordula Nolte (Eds.), Dis/ability History Goes Public - Praktiken und Perspektiven der Wissensvermittlung (429-454). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
Martins, P. R. 2020. "Blindness in Art Museums: A Portuguese Case
Study", Journal of Museum Education, 45:3, 340-349,
Martins, P. R. 2019. “O que é o Acesso? Uma abordagem aos diversos níveis de acesso aos museus”. In 4º Congresso Internacional Educação e Acessibilidade em Museus e Património. Formação para a Inclusão: a Acessibilidade Universal é exequível?, J. P. Vale e M. Portela (Coords.), 55-73. Vila Joiosa: Ajuntament de la Vila Joiosa e Universidad de Zaragoza, Máster em Museos: Educación y Comunicación.
Martins, P.R. e A.L.Semedo. 2017. “Deficiência e exclusão social: o papel da representação no contexto dos museus”, Journal of Studies on Citizenship and Sustainability, No.3, 41-54.
Apresentações | Presentations
Martins, P. M. 2020. "Cultural Representations Of Disability In Portugal: Objects Of The General Directorate For Cultural Heritage Collections”, Thirteenth International Conference on The Inclusive Museum, Sep 3, 2020 – Sep 5, 2020 at Museum of Lisbon, Lisbon.
Martins, P. M. 2019. "Narrativas da Deficiência nas Coleções dos Museus da DGPC. Construindo Novas Identidades", VI Congresso Internacional Educação e acessibilidade em museus e patrimônio", 27, 28, 29 de nov. 2019, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo.
Martins, P. M. 2019. "A Deficiência na Arte. Representações e Identidades nas Coleções dos Museus Portugueses", IV Encontro ODDH, Deficiência, Políticas Públicas e Direitos Humanos, 13 de dez. 2019, ISCSP, Lisboa.